Hello everyone!
So this weekend (8th and 9th September), since there are no memos, no speaking rounds and no submissions, we thought it would be really nice to have some fun :)
Cultural Committee is utilizing this sweet time gap to present to you, the greatest, the most awesome, the most ridiculously exciting weekend of all time. All the three auditions, in one weekend! Yes, you read it right, ALL THREE OF THEM in one weekend! Most of you must be thinking, why this much awesomeness in one weekend, for them we have just one answer, because we can! So get ready to sing, dance and paint.
8th September, Saturday, 2:00 pm (deadline for submission)- Fine Arts Audition
8th September, Saturday, 6:00 pm- Vocals Audition
9th September, Sunday, 6:00 pm- Dance Audition
The rules for each audition are as follows:
Eastern Vocal Rules:
Participants per team: Solo + 1 accompanist (Optional) (Use of karaoke is prohibited, but you can use a recording of a single instrument)
Time duration: min: 2 minutes; max: 6 minutes
Judging criteria:
- Voice quality, clarity, vocal range, song selection and the overall impact of the song.
- Both Classical song and light eastern non-classical song tracks of any language allowed to be sung. Folk allowed.
- No instruments would be provided and have to be arranged on your own.
- In case of any technical fault, timers shall be reset and the participant will be allowed to perform from the beginning.
- The decision of the judges and organizers will be Final and binding.
Western Vocal Rules:
Participants per team: Solo + 1 accompanist (Optional) (Use of karaoke is prohibited, but you can use a recording of a single instrument)
Time duration: min: 2 minutes; max: 6 minutes
Judging criteria: the same rules as Eastern except that song should be western.
Dance Audition Rules:
1. Participants can either give a solo performance or perform in a group. In case of a group performance, participants will be marked individually.
2. The minimum duration of performance - 2 minutes and maximum - 4 minutes. There will be penalty for overshooting the time limit.
3. Performance can be of western or ethnic genres, or even fusion of both.
4. Judging criteria include choreography, stage presence and costume.
5. Bring your own music on pen drive.
6.Participants can audition for both the eastern and western team, but will have to prepare two separate performances for the same.
Fine Arts Audition:
The theme for the audition is "NUJS". You can sketch, draw, make cartoons, posters or express the theme in any creative way possible.
So unleash the creative genius in you!! Even if you are not participating, come there and support your friends and enjoy the performances!
Hope to see you all there :)